The stars have not aligned in my favor this week as my boyfriend is in Walla Walla, WA for a wedding and I am here at home. Walla Walla is in the south east corner of Washington and has been featured in several
magazines in the past few years for its adorable Main St., great restaurants and wineries. I did have a chance to go last summer and fell in love! It is so cute and there are so many things to do. Most of them have to do with eating fresh fruit, fine cuisine and drinking wine, so it's almost impossible not to enjoy yourself!
The family wheat farm. 
The beautiful family farm house built around 1905 overlooking the wheat fields.

The groom is the pastry chef at the best restaurant in town ,
Whitehouse Crawford. I'm missing a dessert reception for a pastry chef's wedding. Upsetting.
Another wheat farm.

Another fantastic restaurant,
Brasserie Four! I had the most delicious quiche with caramelized Walla Walla onions and best chocolate souffle with fresh raspberries. I love the french bar stools also!

The wine industry is relatively new and is booming now that the grapes are in their 10th year. A few of the wineries have been open for a while but they were using grapes from the Colombia Valley, not local Walla Walla vines, until recently. The winery below is in an old French school house, hence the name
L'Ecole, which means "the school" in French.
If you are ever in Washington, make a side trip here. Or make an entire vacation out of it!
I LOVE the french market look. Really cool looking town!!!